Hello! My name is Antonina.
I collect dolls in national folklore outfit from different countries since 1992.
I like the idea to study national costumes from these beautiful dolls. Some of them are new, some old,
some were purchased from modern shops, some were custom made, and couple of them were
made special for me. Each doll is special for me and I adore every and each doll in my collection.
I have a few dolls which were came to my hands damaged so I fixed them with all my love. You can see some my repair works at
special section on my Site.
On this Site you can find also non costumed dolls which are the part of my collection as well. Just browse though the section to
see some more interest dolls.
In 2007 I opened for myself another source of costumed figurines, - fridge magnets. Since that I collect fridge
magnets in a shape of figurines in national folklore outfits. I guess it's a very cool collection. Welcome to the special
section to see how different and nice are just simple fridge magnets in folklore costumes.
Updates on Site:
June 6, 2014
New Galleries of Antigua and Barbuda, Armenia, Guadeloupe, Honduras,
Lebanon, Martinique, Puerto Rico,
Srilanka, Turkmenistan were added.
New dolls from Austria, Belarus, Canada, Croatia,
Cuba, Czehia Denmark, Egypt,
England, Estonia, Finland, Hungary,
India, Germany, Italy,
Hungary, Italy, Kenya, Korea,
Morocco, Mexico, Netherlands,
Nigeria, Paraguay, Russia,
Scotland Sweden, Thailand, Venezuela,
Ukraine, Virgin Islands were added.
April 28, 2014
New dolls from Russia, Japan, Greece, Kazakhstan,
Hungary, Ireland, Mexico, Netherlands,
Taiwan, Peru, Uzbekistan, Ukraine,
Scotland, Hawaii, Spain, England,
Finland, Switzerland, Spain were added.
New Galleries of Namibia, Bashkortostan, Altay,
Paraguay, San Marino, Trinidad and Tobago, Vatican, were added.
April 17, 2014
New dolls from Australia, Austria, Argentina,
Belgium, Bosnia, Bermuda,
Canada, China, Canary Island,
Czehia, Colombia, Cuba,
France, Ecuador, Estonia,
Fiji, Ecuador, Estonia,
Kenya, India, New Zealand,
Syria, St Lucia, South Africa and USA were added.
March 23, 2014
New dolls from Romania, Grenada, Greenland,
Bali, Croatia, Macedonia,
Jamaica, Egypt, Dominicana and Cyprus were added.
July 24, 2013
The Site relocated into new hosting. There are no visible changes (yet), but it was lot of additional work for me. And I finished it at last!
The Order doll section isn't work yet as well, I'm working on it right now. I'll be appreciate your help in searching for some site problems. Please inform me, if you find some. Thank you!
One new repaired doll pictures were added to the DOLL REPAIR section.
One new dolls related web site added to the section LINKS
September 7, 2012
Two new dolls related web sites added to section LINKS
September 1, 2012
Origins of several dolls from HELP TO RECOGNIZE section were found. Thank you, rusty, for the help! Rusty helped me to recognize dolls from Turkey, France and Japan.
New dolls from Japan, Turkey, Mexico, France, Haiti, Bagamas, Belgium, Bonaire, Colombia, Croatia, Fiji, Filnand, Germany, Hawaii, Malta, Netherlands, Peru, Poland, South Africa, Slovakia, Spain, USA added.
Two dolls were added to the HELP TO RECOGNIZE section. Please, look into this section, probably you can help me!
Four new REPAIR works pictures were added.
April 27, 2012
New dolls from Ecuador, Italy, Kyrgyzstan, Leichtenstein, Madagascar, Monaco, Slovakia, Burma, Tunisia, and Uzbekistan added.
December 1, 2011
New dolls from Belgium, Ireland, Denmark, England, Finland, Germany, Greece, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, Philippines, Portugal, Spain, Thailand and USA added.
Fixed the mistake with Lebanon doll, which is originally from Morocco. Thanks to Anastasia for the pointed mistake!
Recognized doll from China have been placed into the correct gallery of her country.
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